About You

Help us help you

You’re here because you or someone you work with is sold on the benefits of team building. Right now you need someone to focus on you, not another website that will list all the reasons for doing team building and the benefits of effective teams.

Here is our first recommendation:

Don’t simply focus on collecting different ideas and prices.

Contact us to talk about how you can create meaningful and impactful links between your activity and your team’s reality back at work.

Getting it right for you

We love what we do and care about getting it right for you. Since we are doing this for your team, your knowledge and experience is an important ingredient in the success of the program.

We are committed to staying within your comfort zone and including you in as much of the process as you wish to be a part of.

What do you want to accomplish?

Our initial conversation will be focused on who you are and what your team is trying to accomplish.

We will equip you with elements to consider while planning your activity and provide insight from our years of experience to help you get started on the right track.

Get Started

All our programs are unique. The more you can tell us, the more effective your team building will be.

*A quick note about your budget

We’re asking for an idea of the budget to help us tailor the program to suit your needs. Group size, location, length of time and add-ons all have an impact on the final price. We aim to work with you to get the most out of your program at a price that works for you.

Trends, Traps and Truths

TBMOQ is a Trusted Team Building Voice on LinkedIn. Each month we’ll share some actionable insights to help build better connections and strengthen company culture via a LinkedIn newsletter. Subscribe today!